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HIT 220


In-text Citations

  • In-text citations tell your audience briefly where you found your information and act as a pointer to the complete reference in your Works Cited page.
  • In-text citations usually contain 3 parts: the author(s) last name(s), year of publication, and page number or page range (if applicable; for sources without page numbers, such as a webpage, use para. for paragraph number)


  • Direct Quote- The cognitive element, often referred to as worry, refers to negative catastrophic thoughts concerning failure, and its consequences; the affective-physiological element refers to feelings of tension and accompanying physiological manifestations of anxiety such as an increased heart-rate(Putwain & Aveyard, 2018, p. 65).
  • Direct Quote- According to the Minnesota State University Counseling Centre (2006), if you are prone to test anxiety, an important step in overcoming it is to try and discover in what way you perceive the test as a threat to you (para.11).
  • Paraphrase- In regards to panic and generalized anxiety disorders, Townsend & Morgan (2017) name two theories of etiology: psychodynamic theory and cognitive theory (p. 45).

Parts of References

What do I need to create a reference?

  1. Author(s) and Editor(s) names
  2. Publication Date
  3. Title of article or chapter of book
  4. Title of Journal, book, newspaper, magazine, newsletter, report
  5. Publication Information
    • Journals, magazines, newspapers- volume number, issue number, page number(s)
    • Books or reports- place of publication and publisher
  6. Electronic Sources URL or DOI


How to Cite in Your Reference Page

*Tip: If you tried to find a piece of information and you cannot find it (for example issue number or DOI) then skip over that part

*Tip: Your references should be in alphabetical order

*Tip: Your references should be formatted with a hanging indent

General Format (remember to format with a hanging indent!)

Author, A. A., Author B. B., & Author, C.C. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, (volume##)(Issue#), pp-pp. doi: or Retrieved from URL 


Journal Article (online, with DOI)

Brady, S. T., Hard, B. M., & Gross, J. J. (2018). Reappraising test anxiety increases academic performance of first-year college students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(3), 395-406. doi:

Journal Article (online, no DOI)

Lewis, A. (2017). The Outcomes, Economics and Ethics of the Workplace Wellness Industry. Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine, 27, 1–58. Retrieved from

Journal Article (print)

Sebaoun, A., Nemcovsky, C.E., Beitlitum, I., & Moses, O. (2019). Modified tunnel double papilla  procedure for root coverage in the anterior mandible. The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, 39(4), 502-509.

Magazine or Trade Journal Article (online via database)

Rohleder Jr., W. J. (2019). THROUGH A NARROW SLIP: Construction of the new Cline Avenue Bridge over Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal, East Chicago, Ind. Roads & Bridges, 57(5), 34–41. Retrieved from

Newspaper Article (online)

Carter, T. (2018, November 28). E-cigarettes and vaping taking the nation by storm. New York Amsterdam News, p. 27. Retrieved from

Library Services

  • Research assistance - help finding sources, evaluating sources

  • Online workshops for citing and plagiarism are held throughout the semester. To request a citing workshop, please email