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FAQs and Tips

Q: What if I cannot find the author for the website?

A: If the website is on a department page (usually government or university/college/institution), then the author would be the department and the organization.

Example: Department of Psychology, Rowan University. 

Q: Where do I find a date for a website?

A: Most websites have a year at the bottom of the page. If the page does not have a date, go to the homepage of the website. If the homepage of the website does not have a date, then use n.d. (meaning, no date).

Q: What if I do not have all of the information for a citation?

A: If you are missing information, such as the author’s middle initial or a subtitle, skip over that part.

Example: Svehla, S.

Q: How do I get a page number from a website?

A: Do not use page numbers for websites; use just the author or sponsor and the date. When using an in-text citation, you can use (para. #) for paragraph and the paragraph number.

Tip: Citation generators are great, but always check to make sure they have the correct information! Even the best citation generators sometimes make mistakes!

Tip: Grammar is important! Watch your punctuation, capitalization, and italics!


Helpful Videos

Video created by Jane D. Stimpson for Lone Star College-CyFair

Library Services

  • Research assistance - help finding sources, evaluating sources

  • Online workshops for citing and plagiarism are held throughout the semester. To request a citing workshop, please email